вторник, 21 апреля 2020 г.

Cиликоновая резина

Cиликоновая резина

Купить резина силиконовая термостойкая, Силиконовая резина, термостойкая резина, пищевая резина, техпластина силиконовая, силиконовая резина купить

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net


Резина пищевая термостойкая

Резина пищевая термостойкая

Пищевая резина, купить техпластину, уплотнитель пищевой, техпластина, пищевой шнур, белая пищевая резина

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Силиконовая техпластина производитель

Силиконовая техпластина производитель

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Пластина силиконовая термостойкая

Пластина силиконовая термостойкая

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Силиконовая пластина

Силиконовая пластина

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Силиконовые трубки в Ровно

Силиконовые трубки в Ровно

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Силиконовая резина

Силиконовая резина

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

properties termorezin

свойства терморезин- http://www.silverprom.com.ua

 Тепловое сопротивление - самая распространенная особенность силиконовой резины. Если рассматривать каучук на основе каучуков общего назначения, то ни один из них не может использоваться длительное время при температуре выше 150 ° C. Наиболее близок к силиконовому эластомерному каучуку только на основе фторкаучука. Обычные силиконовые каучуки имеют рабочую температуру 180-200 ° С, но, вкратце, их можно использовать при более высоких температурах.

Ниже приведен примерный срок службы силиконовой резины при разных температурах: 120 ° C ............... 10-20 лет 150 ° C ............ .. 5-10 лет 200 ° C .............. 2-5 лет 250 ° C .............. месяцы 250-300 ° C ........ Неделя 300-350 ° С ........ День При изготовлении термостойких изделий из композиций силиконового каучука кроме состава смеси, важны условия второго этапа отверждения. , Обычно его выдерживают в инкубаторах с принудительной подачей воздуха при температуре примерно на 25 ° С выше ожидаемой рабочей температуры продуктов, но не менее чем на 180-200 ° С.
Отметим только один серьезный недостаток силиконовых каучуков: их неудовлетворительная стойкость к тепловому старению в замкнутой системе при отсутствии воздуха или в среде перегретой воды или пара. При этом наблюдается пористость, пониженная твердость, пониженная прочность, наблюдается повышенная относительная остаточная деформация, как будто для размягчения резины. В связи с этим рекомендуется найти такие конструктивные решения, которые позволили бы хотя бы части поверхностей изделий из силиконовой резины вступать в контакт с воздухом. Также возможно продлить срок службы силиконовой резины, поддерживая отверждение второй стадии при температурах, превышающих предполагаемую рабочую температуру 50 ° C. Продукты выветривания, изготовленные из силиконовой резины, по сравнению с продуктами из других эластомеров, обладают отличной атмосферостойкостью.Prolonged exposure to rain, snow or ice, the effect of ozone and UV rays do not cause any surface changes, such as cracking, even under mechanical stresses.Antiadgeziynye propertiesSilicone rubber shows anti-adhesion ability with respect to a variety of materials. Even at a high temperature silicone rubber does not adhere to other materials and leaves no residue.This feature is silicone rubber has been successfully used in the manufacture of conveyor belts for transporting adhesives, rubber-coated rollers, forms for the preparation of chocolate bars and candy. The shapes of the elastic silicone rubber products can be cast from a variety of plastics potting, for example, acrylic, polyester or epoxy resins.ToxicityСиликоновая резина - продукт химически инертный, без запаха и вкуса, не токсичен. В отличие от каучука общего назначения на основе каучука, он не содержит серы и на второй стадии отверждения не содержит летучих веществ, которые могут контактировать с другими материалами, оставлять следы или корродировать. Уникальные свойства силиконовой резины
Уникальные свойства силиконовой резины соответственно определяют и широкую область применения. Свойства силиконовых каучуков определяют соответственно и широкие области их применения:
* Автомобильная промышленность,
* Кабельная и электротехническая промышленность,
* Статьи для контакта с едой и питьевой водой,
* Медицинские, фармацевтические, гигиенические товары и товары для детей,
* Техническая продукция.

Автомобильная промышленность
Silicone rubber used for the manufacture of gaskets, seals, shock absorbing and insulating compounds:
* Automobile engines;
* Driving bodies;
* Electrical equipment;
* Electronic devices;
* Harness the body;
* Saloon car.
Characteristic features:
* Resistance to oils, antifreeze and ultraviolet;
* Resistance to temperature changes;
* Low compression set;
* Wear resistance;
* High mechanical strength;
* High elasticity at low temperatures.

Cable and Electrical Industry
Electrical cables for industrial equipment, household appliances, electric heaters and furnaces, X-ray equipment, halogen lamps, nuclear power stations and underground railways, power tools and control devices operating in harsh environments and high temperatures.
The characteristic properties of silicone rubber cable:
* Thermal stability and resistance to thermal aging;
* Resistance to combustion;
* Balanced mechanical properties;
* Good electrical characteristics;
* The ability to form stable ceramic coating during combustion;
* High (hundreds of meters per minute) and uniform rate of extrusion;
* Long service life.
insulators production (unit-cast, "barbecue" and shell type) for power and transformer substations, power lines, railways, etc.
The characteristic properties of silicone rubber isolator:
* High arc-and-tracking;
* High dielectric characteristics;
* Excellent water repellency;
* Good mechanical characteristics;
* Long service life.
 Production of keyboards and flexible elements for calculators, telephones, telexes, computers and game consoles, remote controls, etc.
Characteristic features:
* Good dielectric properties;
* High strength and durability;
* Low compression set.
Products for contact with food and drinking water
Silicone rubber structure is quite simple, they do not contain organic stabilizers niplastifikatorov or additives. "Clean" chemistry allows the silicone rubber is widely used in the manufacture of gaskets and seals that come into contact with food (coffee makers, coffee grinders, blenders, electric and microwave ovens, elektrovafelnitsy, thermoses, kitchen appliances, dishes, etc.).
Characteristic features:
* Lack of smell and taste;
* Hygiene;
* Easy to clean;
* Resistance to cold and boiling water, steam;
* Water and dust properties;
* Resistance to organic acids and bases contained in the food;
* Heat resistance;
* No allergic effects;
* Wear resistance;
* Safety in use (do not melt, not burn, does not emit harmful substances at elevated temperatures).
 Medical, pharmaceutical, hygiene products and products for children.The combination of high mechanical characteristics with the "pure" chemical structure (no plasticizers, stabilizers and promoters) silicone rubber and used in the manufacture of a wide range of medical products:* Tube drainage for surgery;* Pipes and products for dialysis and blood transfusions,* Infusion solutions, etc .;* Medical probes;* Catheters;* Prostheses and implants;* Seals, valves and diaphragms for the pharmaceutical and medical equipment;* Anesthetic masks;* Nipples for baby food;* Toys for young children.Characteristic features:* Optical clarity;* Lack of smell and taste;* Hygiene;* Physiological compatibility;* No allergic effects;* Easy to clean;* Resistance to cold and boiling water, superheated water vapor (possibility of repeated sterilization);* Water and dust properties;* Heat resistance;* Wear resistance;* Safety in use (do not melt, not burn, does not emit harmful substances at elevated temperatures).Technical articlesThe unique properties of silicone rubbers are widely used in the art and industry where the product in work "hard" conditions (high / low temperature, at large temperature variations, mechanical loads, in an aqueous medium or steam, etc.):* Seals of any type;* Sleeves, plugs, sockets, valves and plugs;* Амортизаторы; * Рулоны и рулоны для механической, фотокопировальной, фотокопировальной, в производстве пластмасс, текстиля, стали, бумаги, стекла, керамики и деревообрабатывающей промышленности. * Шланги, трубы и профили; * Листы. Характерные особенности: * Высокая прочность; * Низкий уровень компрессии; * Большое удлинение; * Износостойкость; * Устойчивость к сгоранию; * Водо- и паростойкость; * Маслостойкость; * Устойчивость к изменениям температуры; * Надежная работа в широком диапазоне температур; * Высокая гибкость при низких температурах; * Устойчивость к низкому давлению; * Устойчивость к ультрафиолетовому излучению и излучению.

Пористая силиконовая резина

Пористая силиконовая резина

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Термостойкая резина в Ровно

Термостойкая резина в Ровно

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Техпластина силиконовая

Техпластина силиконовая

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Термостойкая резина для термопресса

Термостойкая резина для термопресса

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Резина силиконовая рулонная

Резина силиконовая рулонная

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Резина силиконовая ГОСТ

Резина силиконовая ГОСТ

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Силиконовая уплотнительная резина

Силиконовая уплотнительная резина

тел.факс: +38(0362)46-09-26
тел.: +38(0362)69-04-68
моб.тел: +38 (099) 254-00-37, МТС
+38 (097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Пластина силиконовая 500х500 мм

Пластина силиконовая 500х500 мм

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Термостойкий уплотнитель для печей в Ровно

Термостойкий уплотнитель для печей в Ровно

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Резина термостойкая листовая

Резина термостойкая листовая

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Пластина силиконовая рулонная

Пластина силиконовая рулонная

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Резина листовая

Резина листовая

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Белая резина

Белая резина

Белая пищевая резина силиконовая. Резина для применения в среде высокой температуры - от -50С до +250С.

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Прозрачная силиконовая резина

Прозрачная силиконовая резина

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Силиконовая резина лист 10мм

Силиконовая резина лист 10мм

(0362)46-09-26, 27
(099) 254-00-37, МТС
(097) 723-42-46, Kyivstar
E-mail: t222@ukr.net

Rubber. Properties and Applications

 Резина. Свойства и Приложения

Резина - эластичный материал, полученный в результате отверждения натурального (NR) и синтетического каучука (CK). Он представляет собой чистый продукт эластомерного сшивания молекул каучука с химическими связями. Свойства определяются как используемый каучук, так и компоненты резиновой смеси (подробности ниже). Резина, как правило, обладает более высокой термостойкостью, чем каучуки. Современная физическая теория объясняет упрочнение каучука, повышая его прочность благодаря наличию связующих сил (адсорбции и адгезии), возникающих между резиной и наполнителем, и образуют непрерывную структуру наполнителя в виде цепочки из-за взаимодействия между частицами наполнителя. Возможно химическое взаимодействие резины с наполнителем.

Rubber is one of the most important structural materials, which is widely used in various sectors of the economy and in everyday life. This is due primarily to its unique ability to significantly deform under relatively small voltages, change shape under mechanical loading, practically maintaining a constant volume, to recover its original shape after removing the load, during deformation to absorb and dissipate the subsequent restoration of mechanical energy.
1. Hard rubber and soft rubber
Products made of hard rubber different from soft rubber products mainly the amount of sulfur (or other agent) used in the vulcanization. When the amount of sulfur in the rubber composition exceeds 5%, the result obtained by vulcanizing the solid rubber. The rubber composition may contain up to 47 parts of sulfur per 100 parts of rubber; this gives a solid and rigid product, called ebonite, as similar to ebony (black) tree.
Articles of hard rubber have good dielectric properties and are used in the electrical industry as insulators, such as distribution panels, plugs and sockets, phones and batteries. Made with hard rubber tubes, valves and fittings are used in all areas of the chemical industry, where corrosion resistance is required. Production of children's toys - is another article of consumption of hard rubber.
Characterized by a rubber hardness indentation resistance in a metal needle or rubber ball (indenter) under the force of a compressed spring or by the action of the load. various hardness testers are used to determine the hardness of the rubber. Often, to determine the hardness of rubber used TM-2 Hardness (Shore type) that has a blunted needle associated with a spring inside the instrument. The hardness is determined by the depth of pressing the needle into the sample by the action of the compressed spring in contact with the device ground plane of the sample surface (GOST 263-75). needle indentation is proportional to the movement arrows on the instrument scale. Maximum hardness corresponding to the hardness of glass or metal, is 100 arbitrary units. Rubber composition according to the degree of cure and has a hardness ranging from 40 to 90 conventional units. With increasing content of filler and an increase in the duration of vulcanization hardness increases; softeners reduce the hardness of the rubber.
Rubber can be regarded as crosslinked colloidal system in which the rubber is a dispersion medium, and fillers - a dispersed phase. The most important property of the rubber -.. High flexibility, ie the capacity for large reversible deformations in a wide range of temperatures .Rezina combines svoysistva solids (elasticity, dimensional stability), liquids (amorphous, high deformability at low volumetric compression) and gas (increasing vulcanizing elastic mesh with increasing temperature, the nature of entropy elasticity).
Rubber - a relatively soft, almost incompressible material. The complex of its properties is determined primarily by the type of rubber; Properties of can vary significantly by combining rubber.
Module type rubber elasticity at low deformations is 1-10 MPa, which is 4-5 orders of magnitude lower than that of steel; Poisson coefficient of rubber is close to 0.5.
Elastic rubber svoystvava nonlinear and have a pronounced relaxation character: independent of the loading conditions, the magnitude, timing, speed (or frequency), repeated deformation and tesperatury. Elongation up to 1000%
Reversible deformation stretching rubber can reach 500-1000% (about 1% for steel).
The compressibility of rubber - rubber for engineering calculations generally considered incompressible.
The lower limit of the temperature range of high elasticity rubber mainly due Tg rubbers and rubbers for crystallizing also depends on the temperature and rate of crystallization.
The upper temperature limit of operation associated with rubber termichicheskoy resistant rubbers and cross chemical bonds formed during vulcanization. Unfilled rubber on the basis of non-crystallizing rubbers have low strength. The use of active fillers (finely blacks, SiO2, etc.) Allows an order to increase the strength characteristics of rubber and rubber to achieve performance levels of crystallizing rubbers.
Rubber hardness is determined by its content of fillers and plasticizers, as well as the degree of vulcanization.
rubber density is calculated as the volume weighted average value of the densities of the individual components. Similarly, it can be approximately calculated (at a volume filling less than 30%) thermal characteristics of rubber: the coefficient of thermal expansion, specific volume heat capacity, heat conductivity coefficient.
Rubber absorbs little water and limited swell in organic solvents.
Known rubber, characterized by oil, gasoline, water, steam and heat resistance, resistance to the action of chemically aggressive environments, ozone, light, ionizing radiation. At long. Tyre storage and use are subject to aging and fatigue, resulting in deterioration of their mechanical properties and fracture strength decrease. The service life of rubber depending on the operating conditions of several days to several tens of years.
wear resistance
It is the main indicator of wear resistance and abrasion resistance to abrasion, which are defined in terms of rolling with slippage (GOST 12251-77), or a sliding surface for abrading generally, as in the previous case, Abrasive GOST 426-77).
Friability (determined as the ratio of volume reduction of the sample when abrasion work expended to abrasion, and is expressed in m3 / MJ [cm3 / (kW (h)].
Abrasion resistance (defined as the ratio of work expended to reduce attrition by abrasion of the sample volume and is expressed in MJ / m3 [cm3 / (kW (h)].
Abrasion ring samples rolling with slippage more consistent with the terms of tire treads wear during operation, and therefore is used for testing the durability of tread rubber.
2. rubbers and elastomers (elastoplast)

1) Natural (NR) and synthetic isoprene (SRS). Density rubbers 910-920kg / m 3, tensile strength 24-34MPa, elongation of 600-800%. According to the elastic properties of SKI-3 mark surpasses most of the currently known UK and almost equivalent to the Tax Code. In addition, release isoprene rubber SKI-food Sn, Sc-SKI-for color products, SKI ZNTP -. For light thin-walled products and other isoprene rubber used in the manufacture of conveyor belts, molded articles, medical sponge and other products.
2) Butadiene (ACS). Density rubber 900-920kg / m 3, tensile strength 13-16MPa, elongation of 500-600%. Known: ACS I and II groups, differing in plasticity and SKDM - oil-filled, with oil content of 16 to 25 parts (by weight), SKDP - containing 9-10% piperylene.. SKD has high frost resistance and resistance to abrasion. Rubber compounds based on SKD poorly processed extrusion and calendering. To improve these properties, added to the SKD NC and SKI-3. Oil-filled ACS has better properties plastoelasticheskimi and vulcanizates based on it - a complex of improved physical and mechanical properties. The mixtures are characterized by low tack SKD. SKD inferior NC on the strength of the vulcanizates.
3) Butyl rubber (BR) is resistant to oxygen, ozone or other chemical agents. Rubber has high abrasion resistance and high dielectric properties. As temperature resistance inferior to other rubbers ,. The basic physical properties of BC is unusually high gas and moisture barrier properties. The chamber of the tire keeps the air of this material is 10 times longer than the camera of the natural rubber. Butyl rubber is widely used as a general and special purpose. In the manufacture of rubber goods manufactured from BC conductivity of steam hoses, conveyor belts and rubber technical details of which require higher heat, steam, ozone and chemical resistance. BC used for the manufacture of insulating rubber, rubberized fabrics, and various chemical equipment lining. Rubbers of BC used the details of milking machines in the food industry.
Crystallizing rubber, which allows to obtain a material with high strength (although low elastic properties).
4) Styrene-butadiene (SCS) and butadienmetilstirolnye (SKMS) rubbers. Density rubber 919-920kg / m 3, tensile strength 19-32MPa, elongation of 500-800%, based on styrene butadiene rubbers and rubbers butadienmetilstirolnyh have high abrasion resistance. Rubbers of these rubbers are widely used in the manufacture of conveyor belts for the coating rubber, various rubber goods. Available special brand of cold-resistant rubber with a low content of styrene or methyl styrene: SKS-Yu, SKMS-10 and SKS-10-1.
5) nitrile (NBR). Rubbers based on SKN have high strength, good resistance to abrasion, but inferior elasticity of rubber on the basis of the Tax Code, surpass them in resistance to aging and the action of dilute acids and alkalis. -The Main oil-resistant nitrile rubber type, widely used in the manufacture of a very large range of industrial rubber goods. Oil resistant nitrile rubber to an extent corresponding to the content of acrylonitrile therein. RTI Industry uses the following types of rubber: SKN-18 and SKN-18M, SKN-26, SKN-26M, SKN-40M, SKN-40T, SKN-18RVDM, SKN-26RVDM. Currently new types of butadiene acrylonitrile rubbers. These include: rubber with a high content of acrylonitrile, soft type, produced with non-toxic emulsifier - SKN-50cm; modified PVC - SKN-18PVH and others.
6) The ethylene-propylene (EPM and EPDM), ethylene-propylene copolymer - is a white rubbery mass, which has high strength and elasticity, is highly resistant to thermal aging, has good dielectric properties. In addition to EPM produce EPDM terpolymers.
Rubbers have a complex of valuable properties (heat, light and ozone resistance), allows their use in the manufacture of rubber, both general and special purpose. Resistant to the action of strong oxidants (HNOz, H2O2, etc.)., Are used for sealing products, diaphragms, hoses, and so flexible. E., Do not collapse when operating at atmospheric conditions for several years. It is used for the production of molded and non-molded products, insulation, sealants for hydraulic systems. This rubber produced from cheap raw materials and finds application in many industries.
Ethylene propylene rubber has a high breathability.
7) Chloroprene (CR) = Naira. Rubber-based Nairit have a high elasticity, vibration resistance, ozone resistance, resistant to fuel and oil action, well resist heat aging. (Rubber oxidation slows down the shielding effect of the chlorine to the double bond.) (Oil -, benzo -, ozone resistance, fire resistance, improved heat resistance), defining the specificity of its application. They do not contain sulfur in the molecular chains are more regular, and crystallized at a higher speed. excellent dynamic properties. Nairit are used in the production of V-belts, molded and non-art, hoses, belts and other rubber goods. successfully Rubber based Nairit used for lining chemical equipment, subjected to the action of alkalis, solutions of salts and other aggressive media. Industry produces liquid and Nairit - which are used for anti-corrosion and protective coatings.
Chloroprene rubbers produced can be divided into two main groups: the modified sulfur and modified mercaptans. The first group includes Nairit CP-50, CP-Nairit 100 Naira KR-50, which contain sulfur in the molecular chain are less regular and have a relatively low rate of crystallization. The second group includes Nairit P Naira NP Naira PNA Naira NOT. The production of new grades of Nairit - DF, DKR, DN et al.
8) chlorosulfonation polyethylene (HSPE) have increased abrasion resistance when heated, ozone, oil and petrol-resistant, good dielectric. Used as a structural material and a protective (anti-corrosion, not overgrowing in seawater algae and microorganisms coating), to protect against the effects of radiation. Its vulcanizates have excellent ozone resistance, high wear resistance and weather resistance, low water absorption, good insulating performance, excellent chemical resistance. HSPE used for covering conveyor belts that transport the heated material. It is recommended to use it in the manufacture of hoses, belts, heat resistant seals, gaskets, sponge products, special types of rubberized fabrics.
The disadvantages include a relatively high heat generation, considerable residual deformation and gas release when heated.
9) Urethane (SCU) / Polyurethane has high strength, elasticity, abrasion resistance, maslobenzostoykostyo. Resistant to oxygen and ozone, its gas barrier 10 - 20 times higher than TC. Urethane rubber resistant to radiation. DCCH based rubber is used for tires, conveyor belts, pipes and gutter plates for transporting abrasive materials, footwear and others.
Polyester generate SKU-7, 8-UWC, UWC-50; based on polyether - SKU-PF SKU-PFL.
10) polysulfide (CPM) Thiokol. Resistant to fuel and oil to oxygen, ozone, sunlight. It has high gas tightness - good sealing material, good aging characteristics, high tear resistance. Aqueous dispersions thiokols used to seal concrete tanks.
The mechanical properties of rubber-based thiokol low.
11) acrylate (AA) / polyacrylate. Acrylate rubbers advantage is resistance to sulfur-containing oils at high temperatures; they are widely used in the automotive industry. They are resistant to the action of oxygen, heat resistance sufficiently exhibit adhesion to plastics and metals. The distinctive properties of acrylic rubber - it is their high heat and oil resistance. In the heat resistance, they are second only siloxane and fluorinated rubbers. A common feature DCCH is extremely high abrasion resistance. According to this indicator, they are far superior, not only all types of rubbers of general and special purpose, and many metals. Along with this, the DCCH have good elasticity.
It is recommended to apply the acrylic rubbers for various heat- and oil-resistant sealing products (eg, seals, rings, gaskets), hoses, diaphragms, coatings, gumming equipment, adhesive tapes; for the manufacture of products working in conditions of abrasion: various molded articles, printing rolls, plates and chutes pipelines that transport abrasives, and so forth..
The disadvantages are low frost resistance, low resistance to hot water and steam.
SKU-based ethers known under the brand names SKU-PF SKU-PFL; ester-based - SCU-8 SKU-7, a SSI-8P, SKU-7L, SKU-7P.
12) Фторуглеродный каучук (СКФ). Резина устойчива к тепловому старению, воздействию масел, топлива и различных растворителей (даже при повышенных температурах), негорючи, устойчива к действию сильных окислителей (HNOz, H2O2 и т. Д.), Используется для герметизации изделий, диафрагм, гибких шлангов и скоро. Не разрушается при эксплуатации в атмосферных условиях в течение нескольких лет.
Вулканизированная резина обладает высокой износостойкостью. Теплостойкость долгая. Каучуки из фторсодержащих эластомеров широко используются в автомобильной и авиационной промышленности. Из фторопренов изготовлены уплотнительные и уплотнительные детали, рассчитанные на работу в масле и топливе при 200 ° С и выше.